The Real Cost of Living: From Birth to Death

Senseless murders are happening everywhere, killing innocent people, including babies, mothers, and fathers. Society has become savage, with people killing for TVs and fame or due to racism. Maybe we need to go back to harsher punishments to deter crime.

In the US, cities often displace residents they can’t control, shutting down neighborhoods and raising rents, which forces people to move. Meanwhile, investors buy up property, leaving no affordable places to live. Many end up with criminal records and can’t find jobs, perpetuating a cycle of crime and poverty.

You’re fighting the wrong war by harming each other. The real enemy benefits from this chaos. Social media distracts us, but we need to wake up and unite for the sake of humanity.

Many people ignore the truth until tragedy hits home. You won't understand pain until it affects your own family. By then, it's too late. You get what you put out. We should all stand together without violence, political debate, discrimination, or economic divides. 

Stop killing each other over nonsense. If you have a problem, settle it with a fair fight, not guns. Speak your peace and move on. Every day is another chance to see loved ones, to reset, and to choose good over bad. Remember, you need food, water, work, and shelter to live. They don't teach you in school that you need money to survive.

As I mentioned before, they don't teach you in school that you need money to survive. You need personal hygiene items and food, all of which cost money. Isn't it crazy that what was once free now has a price? From birth, someone pays and someone receives cash. 

They say they track workers' earnings to determine Social Security benefits, but many people who worked over 30 years never receive these benefits. There are many theories about Social Security numbers, but essentially, they are trackers. The government monitors you from the moment you take your first breath.

Throughout life, everything costs money: doctor visits, groceries, taxes on every dollar, and activities. Nothing is free, from birth to death. Even burial costs money. We all face this reality, so we should get along and enjoy our time together. Fighting each other is pointless when the real enemy is taking from us.

If you've never worked hard for something, you wouldn't understand the value of taking it back. I'm Trish, your lady whistleblower. Thanks for reading, and come back for more.


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